Wednesday 6 November 2013

Phoneme Frames

Hello everyone,

You may have noticed that your child came home today with a pen and something that looks like the picture above - a phoneme frame. We have sent these home as a result of the phonics workshop that took place last half-term. The idea is that the children use them and they will have all used them in school before so hopefully they should know how they work. The basic principle is that one sound goes into each box. For example - if you wanted to spell the word 'mad' you would put a 'm' in the first box, an 'a' in the second box and a 'd' in the final box.
We have now started covering sounds that have 2 letters in them i.e. 'sh' & 'ch' so these would go into just one box. Children can think of their own words to sound out and spell but any adult help with thinking of simple words for your children, would be greatly appreciated.  
If you're still not sure how to use them please don't  hesitate to come and ask us for help. 

On top of that, we have also started taking children to the school library for individual reading books; these are for the children to try and read. We would like to encourage you to come in with your children and change your books whenever you feel it is necessary. You can just take books you feel your child can tackle - we try to encourage the children to challenge themselves! We would like to request that you take no more than 2 books at any one time - you can come in and change your books as often as you would like. Again, if you would like any help or clarification on this please come and ask us!

Many children also had their sound pots changed today as well, so please keep using these. If your child is comfortable with knowing the sounds, try to get them to create words out of them, using the phoneme frame in tandem if you desire.

Many thanks, 

Reception team

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