Here is the timetable and the home learning for the following, final week before Half Term!
Week 7 Timetable and Home Learning
A request: We are on the look out for some items, if you have any at home that you think you may be able to let us have, that would be fantastic!
- Junk modelling: washed and clean yoghurt pots, plastic bottles, interesting shapes and sizes of boxes or containers.
- Wrapping paper, unused occasion cards or blank party invitations.
- Unwanted blank stationary
- Buttons
- Keys
- Shells
- Thimbles
- Old costume jewellery, handbags, hats, purses, scarves.........
- Sequins or gems for crafting
- Beads
- Patterened or unique crockery or containers or jugs or tea pots or cutlery/utensils for the mud kitchen