Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Reception, Wednesday 30th June 2021

Happy, sunny Wednesday everyone!

A couple of reminders: Tomorrow morning is "Bump up" morning! The children will come in to Reception as normal, shortly after registration we will take them to Year 1. They will come back to Reception at lunchtime. Please bare in mind that your child/children may be feeling a little anxious, so some reassuring words and hugs may be in order!

Tomorrow afternoon are our Sports races. The children will wear their PE kits - if they want to bring in trainers to wear then that is fine!

Friday is dance day - come along and watch at 2:30pm on the school field. As I communicated in the last blog, CAN CHILDREN COME TO SCHOOL WEARING A BRIGHT (PREFERABLY PLAIN) COLOURED T-SHIRT. THE COLOUR OF THEIR DRAGON GROUP WOULD BE GREAT, BUT DON'T WORRY IF NOT!

Coming up: next week is an inspired writing week with a surprise guest on Monday..................

Yesterday we had an inspiring, awe and wonder, science was filled with experiments, chemistry, chemical reactions, demonstrations and independent investigations. We were exploring gases and thinking about gas clouds and this the reason dinosaurs became extinct!!!!!??????

It was a very magical day, inspiring curiosity and challenging vocabulary! Thank you Thomas Hardye School!

Another polite reminder to please bring back any books you may find at home. Also, please could you check at home, incase someone took it by accident, a pair of Next, navy blue jogging bottoms aged 7-8. Thank you!

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Hibberd and Ms. Dainton

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Reception - busy week ahead!!!!!!!

Happy Sunday to you all! I heard that many of you were heading off to fossil hunt at the weekend - we would love to hear all about it!!!!!

This week is a busy week................Inclusive Sports Fortnight begins

Monday = Class Photo + Stunt Bike show

Tuesday = POWSA Bikeathon

Thursday = "Bump up morning" - the children will spend the morning in their new class with their new teacher and team. In the afternoon are our Sports Day Races

Friday = Dance Day (2:30pm) Please could Reception wear a bright coloured top (preferably plain)

This week the children were thoroughly absorbed in their learning about how fossils are formed and how sedimentary rock plays it's part in the formation of fossils. There was an archaeological dig taking place on Friday - the team are planning to piece the "bones" they found, together to see what the remains are of!!!!!! Some children were very creative and enjoyed making 3d fossil pictures, selecting materials from outside as well to include! Lots of independent writing happened too - we had to share this with all the other classes in the school and in the office!!!!!! In Power Maths we enjoyed learning about odd and even numbers...............we made a rhyme up to help us remember ............." Evens are fair, Odds don't share!"

We have been VERY lucky to have some incredible student volunteers in our class - they really are invaluable..........very professional, enthusiasitc, caring and good at using their initiative..........I was proud to receive this in an email from one of them...........

 "I think Reception are a wholesome and considerate group of people who clearly have a strong relationship with each other; I was amazed to see how well-behaved they are for such a big class - especially at the end of the week! I'm looking forward to seeing the class again!"

See you all tomorrow for an exciting week!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hibberd and Ms Dainton

Monday, 21 June 2021

Dinosaurs are "Roarsome!"

If you haven't been already, we highly recommend a day out fossil hunting at Charmouth! The Heritage Centre was incredible! So informative and welcoming - and free! Check out the tide times before you go so that you get the maximum chance of discovering some treasures!

I think these faces say it was an absolute delight to take Reception to Charmouth!

We were all thoroughly engrossed in mimicking Mary Anning, searching for curiosities and fossils.

It was so exciting to be on our first school trip! We were exemplary role models for the school. The adults that attended the trip were immensely proud of the attitude and behaviour of all children. Every child was keen and enthusiastic to be able to contextualise their learning.

Today we discovered how fossils are formed, we learned about sedimentary rock and how the bones turn to stone under the weight of the years of mud, sand, silt and water building up in layers on top of the skeleton remains.

Our class are completely captured by our humanities and science learning about Pre-Historic Aquatic Marine Reptiles.............but the science doesn't stop there! We are thrilled to be able to announce the upcoming trip to The Thomas Hardye School Science department. Next Tuesday we will be walking there for some hands on science in their lab themed around space!

Don't forget that next Thursday afternoon is our Reception Sports Races in the afternoon and on the Friday afternoon is our Dance Day celebration. For the Friday and our dance, please could your child wear a t-shirt that is the colour of their dinosaur group (they know which one it is!)

Thank you again Reception for, quite simply, one of the best trips I have been on!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hibberd and Ms. Dainton - and thank you also to Mr. Bascomb, Mrs. Howell, Darcie and Mr. Spracklen (for his surprise visit!)

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Reception class trip

 Good evening everyone,

Just to clarify..................

Our trip on Thursday: We WILL be going on the trip if it is raining, please can your child wear a school top but they may wear play clothes on their bottom half that may be ok to get messy. Also wear trainers or comfortable footwear/wellies. If it is raining, please ensure they bring a waterproof coat. We will be outside for the day, so apply suncream before school and wear a sun hat if it is sunny.

Re packed lunches: The school have organised for each child to have a packed lunch via Local Food Links so you DO NOT need to send a lunch in from home! Please provide sufficient drink and snack only!

I hope this clarifies any discrepancies.

We are all very excited for the day!

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hibberd and Ms. Dainton

Monday, 14 June 2021

Arts and Wellbeing Week - Collecting Resources


Exciting News...

We will be having our Arts and Wellbeing Week from Monday 12th to Friday 16th July this year.

We have got lots of exciting, creative and mindful activities planned for the children and are collecting the following resources:

Interesting (clean) plastic waste such as:

 colourful bottles 

bottle tops

carrier bags








beads, etc...

This will be built into a rather exciting art instillation in the hall.

Wool - Any type

If you have any of the above spare, please bring to the office where we will place a collection box.

We look forward to bringing you more news about this and more #InspiredToLearn weeks soon!

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Reception - W/C 14th June 2021


What beautiful weather we are having!!!!!!!!!!!! In school, the doors have been wide open and the children are thoroughly enjoying the freedom to plan their own learning inside or outside.............. Last week we met Mary Anning and learned who she was and why she was important. We learned that where we live was once under the sea and that Ichthyosaurs and Pleiosaurs swam here! In Power maths we have been exploring the concept of doubles. Please refer to your Power Maths booklet at home and complete the unit on doubles. This week we will be exploring halving. You can develop understanding of doubles and halves at home using items from around the house, in the garden or even when out and about - at the beach!

The children were able to choose library books on Friday - please could you ensure you return library books on Thursdays, thank you!

Mrs. Smith has  been collating and entering our recent RWInc assessments and data. On Friday this week, you will receive the assessment sheet that informs you of where your child is currently working and what their focus will be in their lessons. I would like to reinforce the importance of ensuring absolute fluency when we assess the children. This is important before we consider moving children to different colour books. Children need to feel confident and secure in order to progress through the scheme. We are aware that the RWInc home reading books are not being returned to school by some families so please can we ask them to ALL be returned on Thursday. It is imperative that you listen to your child read daily for 10 minutes.

A reminder, as the weather is so lovely, please send your child to school with a named sun hat and either hand named sun cream to a member of the team or apply the 8hour sun cream before they come to school. I think you can get it in Boots or Superdrug and most of the usual brands now do it.

On Thursday we are looking forward to our trip to Charmouth - part of the Jurassic Coast to hunt for fossils in the footsteps of Mary Anning. Children will, ofcourse, need sun hats and suncream, water, packed lunch and a snack. They will be carrying their own back packs.

Enjoy the rest of the sunny weekend!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hibberd and Mrs. Cura