A couple of reminders: Tomorrow morning is "Bump up" morning! The children will come in to Reception as normal, shortly after registration we will take them to Year 1. They will come back to Reception at lunchtime. Please bare in mind that your child/children may be feeling a little anxious, so some reassuring words and hugs may be in order!
Tomorrow afternoon are our Sports races. The children will wear their PE kits - if they want to bring in trainers to wear then that is fine!
Friday is dance day - come along and watch at 2:30pm on the school field. As I communicated in the last blog, CAN CHILDREN COME TO SCHOOL WEARING A BRIGHT (PREFERABLY PLAIN) COLOURED T-SHIRT. THE COLOUR OF THEIR DRAGON GROUP WOULD BE GREAT, BUT DON'T WORRY IF NOT!
Coming up: next week is an inspired writing week with a surprise guest on Monday..................
Yesterday we had an inspiring, awe and wonder, science day....................it was filled with experiments, chemistry, chemical reactions, demonstrations and independent investigations. We were exploring gases and thinking about gas clouds and volcanos.............is this the reason dinosaurs became extinct!!!!!??????