Hello everyone,
Next week is another busy week in the world of the reception class. It is another themed week: Health and safety week. This is a bi-annual themed week and aims to give children the knowledge on keeping healthy and being aware of the risks around them. Below I have put a rough idea of what is happening on each day! Any questions please ask.
Monday - Sports morning - 9.30-10.30am - parents are invited to come and watch the playground skills and then races up on the field.
Tuesday - BBQ after school. We'll be making kebabs during the day, thinking about diet.
Wednesday - Tae-Kwan-do session in school! Plus an assembly from the NSPCC.
Thursday - Bump up afternoon. Children will get to meet their new staff team and visit their new classroom.
Friday - RNLI assembly plus reports come home!
As you can see, lots of things happening. Lots of great experiences as well as learning!
Reception team