Thursday, 29 June 2017

Reception - Next week...

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Hello everyone,

Next week is another busy week in the world of the reception class. It is another themed week: Health and safety week. This is a bi-annual themed week and aims to give children the knowledge on keeping healthy and being aware of the risks around them. Below I have put a rough idea of what is happening on each day! Any questions please ask.

Monday - Sports morning - 9.30-10.30am - parents are invited to come and watch the playground skills and then races up on the field. 

Tuesday - BBQ after school. We'll be making kebabs during the day, thinking about diet.

Wednesday - Tae-Kwan-do session in school! Plus an assembly from the NSPCC.

Thursday - Bump up afternoon. Children will get to meet their new staff team and visit their new classroom. 

Friday - RNLI assembly plus reports come home! 

As you can see, lots of things happening. Lots of great experiences as well as learning! 

Reception team

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Reception - BBQ Next Tuesday!

Image result for bbq

Hello everyone,

Next Tuesday (4th July) will be the annual Reception and Pre-school BBQ! We will be holding this after school in the Reception outdoor area from 3.30pm and you are all welcome to attend! There will be burgers, sausages and kebabs - that the children have made- available for you to eat! You may remember coming along this time last year when your child was in Pre-school! It is a lovely opportunity to talk to Pre-school parents about what the reception year is like. 
If the weather is poor, we will move indoors and bring food in to be eaten! Hopefully this is not the case!
We will be asking for a £1 voluntary donation from each person eating. This will be to cover our costs and you will be welcome to eat as much as you want thereafter! No one will be excluded but please consider giving what you can. You do not have to provide anything for the BBQ. Thank you.

Reception team

Friday, 23 June 2017

Reception - Congratulations!

Hello everyone,

Just a quick message from the team to say thank you to everyone that came along to the class assembly this morning! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed making it with the children. They did themselves incredibly proud and should be very happy! 

Also, out trip to Thomas Hardye was very successful today. We enjoyed a scientific trip to the moon! Making slime and rockets along the way. We also got to see first hand the power of a Jelly Baby!

Reception team

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Reception - Tomorrow... Assembly and trip!

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Hello everyone,

Just a couple of reminders that tomorrow is our final class assembly for the year! We look forward to seeing as many of you as can come! It begins at 9.20am and should be all finished by 10.00am. Please head to the main school office before heading to the hall!
After our assembly we'l be having a quick snack and break before heading up to Thomas Hardye School for a science enrichment session! We will be walking there and back and all hot dinners will remain exactly as they are, just at a later slot!

Reception team

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Reception class assembly - Friday 23rd June at 9.20am

I cannot believe we have nearly completed a whole year together! I know you are going to thoroughly enjoy the end of year assembly and see what your child has been up to recently.

Can I just remind you all that the new procedures for the assembly is for all parents to come through the main foyer/ front of the school. Breakfast club occurs in the school hall, and until the club has  finished and cleaned away and assembly props placed out, we will then open the doors in plenty of time to get comfy before the assembly begins!

Many thanks,

Mrs Clare Mewett

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Reception - Hot Hot Hot!

Image result for too hot

Hello everyone,

As I'm sure you're all aware, it has been very hot for the last couple of days and we could all probably do with rolling in some ice cubes! Could we please ask that all children come in to school with a hat. Whilst we do have some spares, there are not enough for everyone to have. We are also encouraging the children to drink much more water and refilling these throughout the day. Additionally, we do ask that children come to school with their sun cream already on. If you have given sun cream in to us we can then reapply it at lunch time. If you haven't given us sun cream yet and would like to, please pass a named bottle of sun cream along to us. Thank you.

Reception team

Monday, 19 June 2017

Reception - STEM week

Image result for STEM

Hello everyone,

Firstly, we apologise for not sending home the Father's Day cards on Friday! A total oversight on our behalf! Apologies and we hope you all got them this evening!
This week we are having a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). We had out some rather different activities for you all to try this morning. We have a few engineering activities that have a building element as well as some maths based surveying of the class! We will also be squeezing in some science experiments and exploration as well as seeing some of the genius ways technology can be used. 
We have a lot to get in to this week: Tomorrow we will be having a joint morning with year 2. So we will split in half and carry out activities in each classroom! On Thursday parents are welcome to come in in the afternoon to see what we have been up to as well as participate in some STEM activities themselves. On this note, if you are a parent that works in a field with some element of STEM, we would love to hear from you! If you want to come in and explain what you do for a job or show us some pictures... I'm sure the children would love it! Please let us know if you are interested. Finally, on Friday we are going to be going up to Thomas Hardye School to participate in a science enrichment program! This has been a highly enjoyable trip in the past. It is only an hour and children will be back in school for lunch.
As well as this, On Friday we have our class assembly! We have sent home your child's assembly line today for you to practise at home! We are not using a microphone for this assembly so the more confident and loud the voice, the better! Thank you.

Reception team

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Reception - Learning

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Hello everyone,

I thought it had been a while since I shared what we had been learning and where our learning is going to. As we approach the end of the year we are letting children know that their time in reception will be coming to an end and they will begin a new exciting adventure in year 1. To help prepare for this we are encouraging children to be more independent not only with their learning but also in their organisation. If you wanted to help with this, you could set your child the challenge of putting their things where they need to be in the morning before going to their Teddy Job.
For our learning this week we have completed a Big Write! The children created their own Mr. Men last week (with some great names) and then wrote about them yesterday! Everyone did really well with this and the whole class was praised for 'Having a go' at something. The resilience shown was superb too. We have been writing much more in phonics too and we at this point in the year we are expecting children to write a simple sentence on their own - of course using all the tools they wish to!
In maths we have been learning about doubling & halving as well as continuing to consolidate previous learning of subtraction and addition. Again, as it is the last few weeks of reception we are asking children to complete simple number sentences up to 10 as well as solving simple problems. i.e. if I have 6 cupcakes and 3 people, how can we share them out? Any opportunities to develop this at home will definitely help children become more confident with the skills. Please do use objects though (even if it is fingers) as this will help to give children something concrete to see what they are doing.
We're also preparing for our final class assembly, which is next Friday at 9.20am - please come along if you can. The children are ridiculously excited! We will send home assembly lines next week for you to practise!

Reception team

Monday, 12 June 2017

Reception - Mr. Men home learning!

Image result for mr men

Hello everyone,

As we have begun a new topic for the next couple of weeks I have listed some possible home learning ideas for you to do at home if you wish to. With year 1 coming up it is worth mentioning that home learning does become more important as you go through the school and it is always good to begin as you mean to go on. Please don't feel like you have to do every piece below, and we are always interested in home learning that isn't anything we have set. 
So here are the ideas! 

  • Write a list of Mr. Men - how many can you get to? (not to copy off the back!)
  • Write a shopping list for Mr. Greedy
  • Can you find something the same shape as Mr. Strong, Mr. Rush, Mr. Sneeze and Little Miss Sunshine?
  • Can you turn your Mum and/or Dad into a Mr. Man/Little Miss
  • Solve this: Mr Greedy goes into a bakery and buys 14 cupcakes. He goes home and eats 8 of them... How many are left?
Finally, a message to say that tomorrow is class photo day! Comb that hair... No yogurt on the cardigan etc. You will of course be able to purchase these.

Reception team

Friday, 9 June 2017

Monday 12th June - Bike Breakfast

“Bike Breakfast” at the Prince of Wales School!

 On Monday 12th June, we are holding another “Bike Breakfast” event! This is to encourage pupils, parents and staff to get on their bikes and scooters for the journey to school. From 8.40am until 8.55am, there will be drinks and snacks for everyone who cycles or scoots to school.

 I hope we can tempt you onto two wheels to help the school get more children active on the school journey. It is fun and healthy and the roads around school will be much calmer if fewer people drive!

 We look forward to seeing you there,


Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Reception - Mr. Men!

Image result for mr men

Hello everyone,

Thank you to those who came for the Jigsaw session on Tuesday morning. If anyone would like any further information please don't hesitate to ask! 
This week we have started a new topic: Mr. Men! We got stuck in by looking at all the characters names, discussing their meaning and of course reading the stories! This week we have created our own Mr. Men and Little Misses. These will then be used next week for our Big Write! 
We have also begun having some music session from Jo Pires, who is coming in to school every Wednesday for the next few weeks. Today we looked at dynamics in music. 
As we are approaching the end of the year I would like to say how impressed I am with all of the reception class. They have all grown so much this year and should all rightly feel very proud of what they have achieved. And we would all like to say thank you to all parents & grandparents too! Without your help we wouldn't be able to be as successful as we are! We plan to reward you with tea, coffee and burgers in the remainder of the term! Please continue exploring outside, playing, reading, drawing, creating, writing and learning as much as you can!

Reception team

Monday, 5 June 2017

Reception - Jigsaw session tomorrow morning!

Image result for jigsaw pshe

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a restful half-term and are ready to hit the final half-term head on! It does get quite busy but we will ensure that we still have the occasional fun thing thrown in! 
Tomorrow morning will be the rescheduled Jigsaw session that was supposed to have been before half-term. This will be tomorrow morning in the ICT suite, just outside the reception classroom. It will start at 9.00am and be finished by 9.20am. It will cover the aspects that are taught within the 'Changing me' section of Jigsaw this half term. If you are able to come along, please do! 

Reception team

Saturday 10th June - School summer fayre

The Prince of Wales Summer Fayre is this Saturday 10th June 11-2pm! Do please come along, bring family and friends.

A football tournament, activities and games for children, BBQ, bouncy castle, skittles, prizes to be won! The event is solely to raise funds for our school and Pre-School. Finally, if you do feel you could help man a stall then do please sign up in the foyer of the main school or over at Pre-school. More helpers mean that everyone can enjoy the event.

Friday 9th June – This day is a ‘non School uniform’ day – Please bring in chocolates and wine to donate towards the fayre tombola’s please. We do also need cakes for the café and teddies too!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Mewett, Julia Nineham and the POWSA committee