Friday, 26 May 2017

Reception - End of the half term!

 Hello everyone!

So we have made it to the end of yet another half term. We will return for the final half term of the reception year on Tuesday 6th June. 
This week has been a packed week and I would just like summarise what has been happening! 
We had Super School: The children got to meet Grant Fielder - a world title winning mountain biker. Everyone had their photo taken with Grant and this will hopefully make its way to you when we return! The children then got to showcase their 4 activities that we had given to us last week. As a finale, the children got to watch Grant perform some fantastic stunts on his bike using a ramp! Lots of pictures are available on the school website! 
As well as this the children also had their class party yesterday afternoon. Pyjamas were still worn despite the heat! We watched the film 'Sing' and had some tasty popcorn which was very well received.
Then this morning we had a visitor: 'James the Crab Man' came into the classroom to share a live crab and the children had the opportunity to touch, feel and hold the crab as well as ask any questions they had. Children were also given a crab shell to take home with them! In case you were wondering how your child had gotten hold of a crab shell this evening at pick up! 
Finally, I have rearranged to have the Jigsaw parent informaiton session on Tuesday morning 6th June - 9.00am. I apologise for missing the original date.
Thank you for your continued efforts at home with everything you are doing! We have many more weeks left to enjoy, learn and experience! Take care.

Reception team

Reception - Sun cream and hats

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Hello everyone,

As we are starting to experience some warmer and hotter weather we would just like to remind you about sun cream and hats. In reception, you are welcome to bring in sun cream with a signed letter and we can apply the cream during the day if it is necessary. In our experience the 8 hour sun creams do not always last for 8 hours. If you wish to do this then please bring in a named bottle of sun cream with a signed permission slip. If you need a new permission slip please come and ask us for one. 
Secondly, hats. We do have some spare hats in school but if you could bring in a named hat for your child that would ensure everyone has a hat. We will be saying on warm days that children must have a hat on to go outdoors.

Reception team

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Reception - what's going on this week!?

Image result for this week...

Hello everyone,

This week we are continuing with our seaside topic and taking a closer look at why Loggerhead sea turtles love dark sandy beaches! We have investigated the differences between night and day as well as looked at some videos of the sea turtles in their natural environment. This week we are making some 3D sea turtles using nothing but card and colours! Hopefully these will be on show for you to see soon! 
Also this week we are continuing to explore money in maths. We'll be moving on to adding two different amounts together through role playing buying items at a shop! And in literacy we're going to be evaluating our senses poems that we wrote last week; looking at the strengths of our poems and improving on one part of it related to the feedback given. 
Don't forget our class party on Thursday! Just to confirm: Children come to school in their school uniform. They can then bring their pyjamas with them to change in to. We have also said to children that they can bring in 1 teddy or toy - mainly to save whole bedrooms being boxed up to bring in! We'll sort the rest! 
Also on Thursday we'll be getting involved with Super Schools and Grant Fielder who is coming into school! We have been practising the exercises in school but any extra practise is always helpful!
And then on Friday, we have a visitor coming into school to show us some exciting creatures... I'll say no more than that!

Reception team

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Reception - Parent information session!

Image result for jigsaw pshe

Wednesday 24th May at 9.00am  Information Session for Parents!

As part of our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health education) we follow a programme called JIGSAW. This term the units we are studying are about ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing me’. 

Within the ‘Changing Me’ puzzle in every year group there are two or three lessons which help children understand the changes that occur to our bodies. 
You are invited you to attend a session on Wednesday 24th May at 9am in the hall, in which we will give you more of an insight into what your child will be learning about.

Reception team

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Reception - Learning this week...

Image result for fish cakes

Hello everyone,
This week we have been continuing our learning with our seaside topic. We are also going to be adding an element to this: Sea Turtles. We'll be exploring the question 'Why do Loggerhead Sea Turtles love dark sandy beaches?' Through this question we'll be looking at night and day and what then happens during these times, looking at some material of sea turtles in their natural habitat and making some paper plate turtles too!
What we'll also be continuing this week is our cooking! Last week we made some wedges... This week we'll be adding to this by making some fish cakes. Children have been looking at and feeling some fresh fish as well as mashing and tasting their efforts! So far, every child has had a try so well done!
In literacy this week we're writing some senses poems! Children have been casting their minds back to our beach trip last week and writing some absolutely brilliant poems! We have put up our shared poem as you come in the door so please have a look at what we came up with!
Lastly, in maths, we have been learning about money. We've been learning what each of the coins is worth and trying some counting up in 2's, 5's and 10's! If you get an opportunity to do this at home, fantastic! Also, if you are one of the rare people that still use money to pay for things, letting your children do this is a great way to introduce them to how we use money every day!
Reception team

Monday, 15 May 2017

Reception - Class party!!

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Hello everyone,

We have recently filled up our pebble jar in school and once this happens the children get to decide how they would like their class reward to look! The children get pebbles put into the jar when we have done something positive, as a whole class! This means that everyone must contribute towards the effort.
This time, the children have decided that they would like to celebrate by having a film afternoon! After some delicate negotiating we came to the decision that this would be next Thursday (25th) afternoon. We have also decided that children can bring a pair of pyjamas to school to change into for the afternoon - please note that these are not to be worn to school on the day. They are also welcome to bring in a teddy bear or soft toy. We will then be tucking in to some popcorn and having a grand old time! We will put out reminders closer to the time. If you have any questions, please come and ask! Thank you.

Reception team

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Reception - Our Beach Trip

Hello everyone,

Our trip to the beach today was very successful! Thank you to all the parent helpers that came along today! We were lucky with the weather and all the children appeared to have a good time. There may have been a few red cheeks at the end of the day today... as well as some worn out children! 
We all did several activities, including sorting and ordering, collecting, building sandcastles and making sculptures! The children were very well behaved and enjoyed participating in each of the activities. We will have some photos on the board to show you tomorrow morning!

Reception team 

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Reception - Beach trip tomorrow

Image result for beach weymouth bowleaze

Hi all,

Just a reminder that we have our beach trip with pre-school tomorrow morning! Please dress children in play clothes and wellies and come to school at the normal time. We will then be getting on to the coach at about 9.30am. Thank you to everyone that has offered to come along and help! We will attempt to get as many of you as possible onto the coach! We will be back by lunchtime. We are anticipating some nice weather so please make sure your child has some sun cream on as there is not a lot of cover where we are going. 

Reception team

Friday, 5 May 2017

Reception - Home learning

Image result for seaside

Hello everyone,

As we have started our new topic, I thought it would be a nice idea to put some potential home learning activities for you to try out at home! We look forward to seeing what you bring in!

  • Write down some rhyming words for sea, hat, sun or sand.
  • Write a message in a bottle explaining that you are stuck on a desert island! 
  • Make a beach picture! This could be a drawing, have sand or shells on or could be a collage etc. Completely up to you!
  • Maths problem: You have three ice creams. There is a choice of 3 sauces (strawberry, chocolate and toffee) and 3 toppings (Flake, sprinkles and waffle). You can only have 1 sauce and 1 topping. How many combinations are there and what are they?
  • Make a pier using junk modelling or other materials.
Lastly, we have a pair of adult Wellington boots in the classroom that we think have been left behind. If they are yours, please let us know!

Reception team

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Reception - what's going on!

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Hello everyone,

Just a blog to update you on all the things we are up to at the moment and in the near future.

Our Seaside topic has well and truly begun and you will hopefully start seeing signs of this when you walk in to the classroom! We have been learning about what the seaside is, looking at Weymouth Beach on Google Earth and other locations around the United Kingdom!
This week we have been writing recounts of our trip to the farm! We made a map together that puts the events in the right order. And in maths we are continuing to learn about time. This week we are timing ourselves doing a whole variety of activities! As well as this we are learning the days of the week and how to order a normal day.
If you missed the parent information session on Tuesday do not worry, there will be a newsletter coming home next Wednesday to explain all that is going on this term: it is quite a busy one. However, if you have any questions that cannot wait, please come and see us.
Next Week is quite a busy week... We have eye tests on the Tuesday. You will have had a form a while ago asking if you want your child to be exempt from this. If you do, please bring this back into school. On Wednesday it is our beach trip! If anyone is around to help with this please come and let us know. Then on Thursday we have the Life Education Van! There is a parent session within this at 3.00pm on the Thursday too. If you would like to donate anything towards having this great resource in school then please do so at the office. Or return the letter that came out about it!
Once again, I cannot believe that we are already in the summer term! This term will fly by and as a team we are all determined to make sure that we continuing learning, enjoy ourselves and express to the children how proud we are of all of them!

Reception team