Hello everyone,
Tomorrow will be the last day before half-term and we are planning to finish off the day with a picnic. The food has all been made by the children and we will be tucking into it! If the weather is nice we will be heading outside.
If you have been through the school you may have also noticed the two displays that have been put up this week. On the wall outside the classroom we have made postcards about our time at Weymouth Beach last week - these include a photo that was taken at the beach. In the ICT suite there is another display board with our messages in bottles! There are still a few more to add to this but most of them are up now. Please feel free to come and take a look as the children are incredibly proud of their work.
Today we also had our first whole class ICT lesson. During the lesson the children were introduced to coding on Espresso - an internet site that allows you to program different characters to move as you wish.
Tomorrow the children will be bringing their PE kits home for a wash over the holiday.
Reception team