Thursday, 27 February 2014

I want to be...

Hello everyone,

Thank you for all your support in regards to bringing in baby photos and coming in to talk about the jobs you do. 
We've been thinking very hard this week about what makes us proud and what we're good at. The children have all been brilliant about saying what it is they can do. This has lead to some super writing - there has clearly been some practise going on at home, so thank you very much. 
Today we have put together a display just outside the reception classroom that shows what it is all the children want to do when they grow up. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how the children come dressed to school tomorrow.
In maths this week we have begun looking at written numerals. The children have all been very capable at matching up objects with the numerals and are having a good go at writing them too. 
The other job we've been doing this week is looking at family trees. The children have enjoyed talking about the  different members of their families. We went as far up as grandparents but if you know of any other family members from further up the family tree, see if you can make another family tree. 

Reception team

Monday, 24 February 2014

Why are you Proud?

Hello everyone,

Today, we have begun our school-wide 'Proud to be me! Topic. A big thank you to the parents that came in to speak about what it is they do. If you are interested in coming into school and speaking about your job or background, please come and chat with us! 
We have been thinking about what it is we can be proud of. The children were very good at recognising what they had learnt since they had started in reception and were proud of the fact that they can now read and write. Another point we are trying to get across to the children is that everyone can be proud of different things. We're going to be sharing all of the things the children are saying they are proud of to hopefully draw attention to this. 
Another big thank you for the amount of baby photos that were brought in today. If you haven't brought yours in yet don't worry, you have all week! We're going to use these to see how much we've changed and encourage the children to be proud of how they look. As the week goes on we will be looking at what children think they will be like in another 5 years and what their aspirations are. 

Just an early note that receptions 2nd class assembly will take place on Friday 7th March at 9.20am.

Reception team

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Proud to be me! A task for over half-term

Hello everyone,

As you'll probably know, after half-term we'll be having a school wide topic focusing on being proud of your accomplishments, your aspirations and who you are. In reception were going to be basing the topic around the book 'Just imagine' By Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart - a fantastic book. 

Over half-term we would be very grateful if you could dig out the baby photo albums and send your child into school with a picture of themselves when they were a baby! This will help us discuss how we have changed and what new things we have learnt about the world. Of course, the staff will be doing this as well! 

I hope you all enjoy the half-term break and have an opportunity to recharge the batteries. 

Reception team

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Calling on all professions and backgrounds!

Hello everyone! 

Thank you very much for attending parent evenings over the last 2 nights. If there are any parents that have not made an appointment please come and find me and we will arrange something to suit you.
We are very nearly at the end of the first half-term in the spring term - doesn't time fly! When we come back after our break we will be launching straight into a school-wide topic called Proud to be me! A letter will be coming home about it this Friday and I will be posting more information on the blog about what we will be doing in reception. 

One of the things we will be paying attention to is goals, aspirations and backgrounds. For this reason we would like to call upon anyone who is willing to come into school and talk about what it is they do, or the background that they come from, especially if this is from another place in the world outside of Dorchester. You don't have to prepare or bring anything in, and it can only last 10 minutes if you want. We want the children to see the broad range of careers available (I know it seems a long way off before they will have to make a decision!). We already have one parent so please come and talk to us if you are at all interested! We are happy to be flexible and work around your timetable.

 Thank you,

 Reception team

Proud to be me week, dressing up day!

On Monday 24th February we will be having a themed week in school called "Proud to be me".

On Friday 28th February we would like to finish the week with a dressing up day, the theme being "This is what I would like to do when I grow up!" The focus is on aspirations, what career/job I would love to do when I am older.

A letter will be coming out on Friday 14th February.

Mrs Mewett

Beginner recorder lessons information

Friday 14th February - a named letter will be coming home if your child has been attending beginner recorder lessons at school. Please look out for this! If you do not receive a letter and your child insists they have been coming along then please call by the school office after the half term break and ask for me.

Many thanks

Mrs Mewett

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Globes and the sun!

This week we have been exploring the differences between night and day. Today we discussed how the Sun is stationary and it is us that moves! A very difficult concept to explain and hopefully if it ever gets sunny, we will go outside and measure how the sun moves across our skyline. Tomorrow we're going to be looking at shadows and how they are created and altered depending on the source of light. Finally, another thing we'll be coming on to is discussing the difference between natural and artificial light. 
A quick quiz: See if you can sort out these things...


Are they a natural source of light, an artificial source of light or not a source of light at all?

Just a quick note to say thank you for all the effort that you are putting in at home to help your children with their reading, writing and maths! It is certainly showing in the classroom.

Reception team

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Beach Trip Cancelled

Dear Parents,

We have taken the decision to cancel tomorrows planned trip to Weymouth Beach due to the adverse weather forecast!  We hope to re-arrange this trip at a later date. 

 Thanks to all of you who volunteered to help on the day.

The Reception Team

Monday, 3 February 2014

Night and Day/Sea Turtles

This week we have started our new topic on Night and Day/Sea turtles. The reason for the combination is that our link with sea turtles is heavily related to day and night. 

We have begun by looking at time lapse videos of day turning into and night and vice versa. The children made some very good observations and had some good questions about why this happens. See if your child can remember if its the sun that moves or us? 
We also looked at the website below throughout the day to see how different parts of the world experience day and night: 
Some possible things to do/talk about surrounding night & day/sea turtles:

Check out pupil links for websites to look at.
Think of daytime and night time words and match them up.
Write a letter to the man on the moon. 
Build a rocket to go into space.
Find out how far you are from the sea.
Make a boat that floats on water.
As always, using information books to find out about different aspects of the topic.

The children also had the opportunity to decide upon a new role play area; they decided that they would like a pet shop/vets so hopefully this will be changed throughout the week. 

Reception team

Weymouth Beach

Hello everyone,

Looking ahead to Wednesday and our intended trip to Weymouth Beach. Unfortunately the weather doesn't look too favourable at the moment. We will be making a decision on the morning as to whether we will be going or not. If the trip is cancelled we will make every effort to rearrange the trip in the summer term (probable the best time to go to the beach!). If we do go ahead with the trip please remember to bring:

  • Warm clothing
  • Wellies
  • Coat/waterproofs
  • Snack
  • Hats/gloves etc 
Thank you

Reception team

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Recorder lessons

A big well done to all those children who have been coming along on a Monday lunchtime to learn how to play the recorder! We will be sending out letters just before half term to the children who have been coming regularly to let you know about purchasing a recorder (if not done already) and a book we use to teach from.

Some tips if your child is at home with a recorder and you are a 'non player!'

* Left hand at top of recorder (we call if logo hand - school logo is on the left)
* Thumb pad covers hole at back of recorder
* Index finger covers first note at the top of the recorder
* Gentle blow to get a lovely even sound, any squeaking, a hole is not covered!
* Use the right hand to hold the end of the recorder to keep it steady.

Finally, if you child does NOT bring home a letter at half term and you were expecting one, please come and see me as it might be to do with your child's attendance which we can help with?

Mrs Mewett