Just a quick reminder about bringing in a named carrier bag for your child to bring home all the bits at the end of term! Tesco ladybird bags are ideal - no chance of them breaking.
Yesterday Mr Farrington showed the children some videos of a school he has visited in India. We sang along with one of the classes and watched them dance! The Reception children played with some Indian toys, dressed up in Indian clothes, tried on some Indian jewellery and made chapattis and butter in a traditional way!
As it's our Healthy Living Week, POWSA have kindly offered to provide some prizes for creating a Sun Safety Poster. The children have been learning about staying safe in the sun so should be able to come up with some good ideas! Entries need to be by next Friday (19/07/13). We look forward to seeing some really great posters!
We would like to thank all the parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends who came along to support their children during our Sports morning. The children all did so well and joined in in a thoroughly sporting manner! We hope that they all enjoyed taking part and that you enjoyed watching! Once again thank you for your support. Reception Team
Librarians from Dorset County library have challenged all the children to join in the Creepy House Summer Reading journey. Check out Dorchester County library or www.creepy-house.org.uk for more details.
It would be great if every single child at The Prince of Wales School spent some of their summer holidays enjoying some great books. i look forward to giving out lots of badges and certificates in September!
With the weather looking like it's going to be really sunny and warm for the coming week please ensure that your child brings a sun hat and a drink to school each day. We have a limited supply of spare hats if you should forget so your child will be able to go outside. Please also make sure that sun cream has been applied before coming into school. We love to make the most of the summer weather by using our outside area as much as possible!
Please come along and enjoy the morning, the children will be demonstrating their skills in a playground carousel, and then we will move to the field for the track races.
Please make sure your child has a drink, sun hat and has had sun cream applied.
Its a lovely morning
See you there
Please be in the playground from 11.15am