On the 14th February we would like to take the Reception children to Kingston Maurward.
We will be travelling by coach leaving at 9.30am and we will be back at lunchtime there will be no hot dinners that day as we will be having a late lunch so please provide your child with a packed lunch.
Please provide your child with a drink and snack in a disposable bag in a back pack.
Please send your child to school in their school polo shirt and sweatshirt with jeans and trousers and trainers or other appropriate outdoor footwear and a waterproof/warm jacket if the weather is cold/showery.
The cost of the transport is £2.50 and the animal park is £3.00. We would like to ask for a voluntary contribution of £5.50, but no child will be exculded if a contribution is not recieved.
It is important that you sign the reply slip giving your permission for your child to participate in the visit.
Thank you Reception Team