Hello everyone,
Today we started a whole school themed week centred around the 'Unicef Rights of the Child'. The two rights that we will be focusing upon are 'The Right to an identity' and 'The right to education'.
Throughout the week we will be creating a class charter with the children's rights and responsibilities. The children came up with some fantastic ideas as to what we should include on our charter (including the right to have a trampoline!). This will be going up this week by the computers in the reception classroom.
You may have also noticed a display with the children's pictures up in the classroom. This is going to be our identity wall for the week. You are welcome to add anything to the wall that you think helps identify your child - and any other children. Feel free to bring certificates/awards and pictures in from home to add to the wall. There will be some post-it notes by the display to write things up if you wish - some have already been added by staff at the school.
Tomorrow we will be having a visit from the fire department. Hopefully children will be full to the brim with information tomorrow after school.
Reception team
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