Friday 17 May 2024

Planes, being active and So Much!

 Hi Reception Families,

Firstly a huge thank you to all those who came to our class assembly this week, I hope you enjoyed it, the children have worked very hard.

This week we have been learning about Planes from before and planes now, in Understanding The World. 

On Monday we learnt how to make a paper airplane and we tried to get them through the hoop! 

In maths we have been exploring how to make 10.

In English we started a new book So Much. We had had a fantastic time role-playing all the different parts of the story and talking about the special people in our families.

Of course on Monday we had a great time building the Roundhouse, thank you to the grown ups who came and helped. We are really excited to see how this develops over the summer.

In Art was explored using pastels for the first time, I was super impressed with their sketches! 

Moving Our Attention to next week:

Understanding the World: Cars from before and now.

Maths: Composition within 10

English: So Much.

As ever if you need anything. don't hesitate to get in touch.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team

Sunday 12 May 2024

Trains, planting and magic seeds

 Hi Reception Families,

We had a fantastic week, it has been so nice to play outside so much this week!

In Understanding the World we were we learning about trains in the past and trains now. We built our own trains outside and had lots of fun being the train driver.  We have continued to take care of our sunflowers and enjoyed planting some flowers for us all to enjoy.

In English we started our new focus the lovely story of So Much! Ms Evans, Mrs Rogers and Mrs Hibbered spoke about the things they loved 'so much' as a child and we looked back at pictures of the children when they were small. This will continue to be our focus until the end of half term.

On Thursday Ms Evans introduced 'Magic Seeds' we made predictions about what would happen if we got the seeds wet and spent lots of lovely time counting, organising and using our imaginations with them.  

We had a fantastic time with the Cricket Workshop and Wessex Music Roadshow.

Moving our Attention to next week:

It's our class assembly at 2:30 on Friday all are welcome to come, we've got some lovely things to share with you.

Reception will be taking in part in the round house weaving on Monday, PE continues to be on Tuesdays.

As the weather (hopefully) continues to get warmer, please ensure that children attend school with a hat and drinks bottle, please please please ensure there is a name tag in the hat!  We would request that children do not bring sunglasses to school.

Children will need sun cream, we spend a lot of time outside. We would request that you use an 8 hour suncream which you apply before school, if we need to apply suncream to the whole class, we will not get anything else done! Boots sell a great range of 8hr suncreams, if this is not possible, please provide your child with a clearly labelled roll on  sunscreen and spend some time showing them how to apply it as they will need to do this independently with an adult observing.

We've had a number of children off this week, please ensure that if children have sickness or diarrhea they only return to school 48 hrs after the last bout of illness, maintaining this Dorset Council policy ensures the wellbeing of all members of the class, and in particular those with additional health needs. 

As ever if there is anything we can help with please do get it in touch.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team

Friday 3 May 2024

Sunflowers, and Kittens

 Hi Reception Families,

It's been a rather busy week this week.

I am so impressed with the children's work in English this week, every child has written a fantastic guide to being a pirate! Our Pirate theme has now finished and next week we will be moving our focus towards the story 'So Much.'

In Maths this week we have been focusing on composition we used the rhyme '5 little Kittens' to help us, I wonder if the children can tell you the rhyme?

In Understanding the World this week we have been learning all about Sunflowers which is the beginning of our Sunflower Challenge. The children planted sunflowers and over the coming weeks we will observe their growth and use them for a our learning around measurement in maths.

In Expressive Art and Design we focused our sketching skills on adding lots of detail and shading.

Next week is a busy week, we have our Cricket Session and the Wessex Music Roadshow to look forward to, don't forget PE on Tuesdays

Understanding the World: Train from before and Trains now

English: So Much!

Maths: Composition 6-9

As ever if there is anything we can do to help please do let us know.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team.