Monday 7 October 2024

Get Ready for Pumpkin Soup

Hello Reception families!

Apologies for not uploading over the weekend- technical difficulties! BUT I am super excited to share another wonderful week!

As part of our DT Cooking Unit, this week we have explored pumpkins! The children had lots of fun collecting all of the pumpkin seeds which we then tried later in the week, after being toasted.

Following this, on Thursday we continued with our cooking skills by practising our knife handling, using child safety knives. The children did an amazing job tucking their fingers under whilst cutting and using the knife with one hand using a sawing motion. And after all of that hard work, we enjoyed lots of red pepper for Snack!

In Maths this week we have been focusing on subitising up to 5. Subitising is the ability to look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting them. The children have blown me away with applying this to everyday reasoning with one child even saying “That’s why it’s called a high five! There are five fingers!”.

And I just wanted to share a few more photos of us exploring, building friendships, using our imagination, critically thinking and of course actively learning.

Just a few notes for the coming week:

- On Tuesday we are Junk Modelling and would love any donations (specifically card recycling).

- On Wednesday (9th) we will have Forest School in the afternoon and children will need to wear suitable clothing. We recommend trousers, a waterproof coat and wellies (thank you if your child
already keeps a pair of wellies in their locker)

- Thursday is World Sight Day and World Mental Health Day

- Friday is non-school uniform day - acts of kindness (NSPCC) - suggested donation = £1

The following weeks:

Please book a Parent/Carer Consultation with me either on Monday 21st October - EARLY SESSION (3:40pm - 6:00pm) and Thursday 24th October - LATE SESSION (5:00pm - 8:00pm).

I look forward to seeing you all then.

Reception are visiting Maiden Castle Farm on Thursday 17th of October and we recommend children wear trousers, wellies and coats on this day. We are visiting after lunch in the afternoon
and children who eat school dinners will have these as normal.

Friday 18th is Dress like a Farmer Day and we invite all families to join us at the Harvest Cafe between 10.30 - 11.15 where Reception will be sharing our homemade pumpkin soup! Following
this, POW are holding an Autumn Fest between 5-7pm.

In the last week of term we are making space helmets out of junk modelled boxes so if you have any boxes that are large enough to fit over a child’s head then we would appreciate donations.

Please can be stop children from bringing in Bluetac or any other kind of Tac from home as I am having it stolen from displays and children saying 'it is from home' and I would like to solve this by children not using Tac as a fidget but instead I can supply a fidget to children who need them. 

Thank you for your support with this.

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