Thursday 26 March 2020

Reception 26th March 2020

Good Morning All Our Wonderful Families!

In the Johnson house yesterday, we made time to watch a film together in the evening - this NEVER happens mid week as well as a game of pictionary - parents versus children ofcourse (we won!!!!)! I have also been partaking in Year 10 Geography, RS and Design as well as Year 6 Grammar and Maths - what skills I will be adding to my CV!!!!!!!!!! I wonder what my timetable will be today!!!????

We hope you have managed to find some sunshine too through the dark clouds currently shrouding our country!

Ideas to supplement the Reception Learning Buffet Slide:

1. If you own a nerf gun, or indeed a small ball then put your accuracy skills to the test. Stick up RWInc sounds on a wall - adult calls out the sound and child throws/shoots it - then swap, child calls out the sound and adult or sibling throws/shoots it.
2. Can you paint a picture of the African Savanna sunset with a silhoutte of an animal.
3. Chalk letters or numbers on the ground outside.
4. use a wet paintbrush to form letters or numbers on the ground outside.
5. Paint a rainbow on the path/concrete outside the front of your house.
6. Tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood - then can you all dress up as the characters and act it out?

Wow word of the day = chortle

Have fun everyone! Remember to contact us if you need to!

Much love,

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. J

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