Monday, 5 June 2017

Saturday 10th June - School summer fayre

The Prince of Wales Summer Fayre is this Saturday 10th June 11-2pm! Do please come along, bring family and friends.

A football tournament, activities and games for children, BBQ, bouncy castle, skittles, prizes to be won! The event is solely to raise funds for our school and Pre-School. Finally, if you do feel you could help man a stall then do please sign up in the foyer of the main school or over at Pre-school. More helpers mean that everyone can enjoy the event.

Friday 9th June – This day is a ‘non School uniform’ day – Please bring in chocolates and wine to donate towards the fayre tombola’s please. We do also need cakes for the café and teddies too!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Mewett, Julia Nineham and the POWSA committee

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