Hello everyone,
This week we've got a very mixed up week.We're not covering any specific topic but instead we are looking back over the year and talking about all the things we have done this year. This discussion will help the children to write the piece of work that will be the last thing in their learning journeys. We're doing this on Purple Mash, as this will also help the children to begin to get familiar with using the keys on a keyboard. We've had the chance to look over some really nice pictures that have been taken this year. It is very obvious how much every child has changed!
In phonics this week we're very lucky to be able to start looking at some different spellings for the sounds we've covered. The different spellings we're looking at this week are:
'ay' - as in stay
'ou' - as in ground
'ie' - as in fried
'ea' - as in heap
Whilst the sounds of these have been covered earlier in the year, the children will be unfamiliar with how some sounds can be shown differently when written down.
We're also starting the preparation for our final class assembly this week by making a video that will be shown in the assembly (next Friday!).
Reception team