Reminders and Notes for the coming week:
Space Day Friday!
On Friday Reception class will be wrapping up our Alien/Space unit. In preparation for this we are still collecting boxes (that are big enough to fit over a child's head) to make in to space helmets on Thursday. We will be wearing them on Friday. To add to the look I would like to invite all children to wear anything space related they may have or all black / white clothing. I do not expect anyone to go out and buy an astronaut costume as we will have made our own helmets and this would be a unnecessary expense.
- Monday and Thursday are Parent / Carers Consultation Evenings. I look forward to seeing you all then!
- On Friday, all children will be receiving their POW Passport. More information regarding this will be published on the website and emailed home.
- Please bring reading diaries in EVERY Thursday
- Please can we check children bring their water bottles to school.
I also just wanted to mention that we are still very short of spare pants and socks in reception! If you have any spare pants you would be happy to donate then we really appreciate anything that can be offered. If you child wears a pair of school pants home, please remember to return these after washing so we can always ensure we have lots for children in school. It would also be great if children could have a spare pair in their bags just in case!
And finally I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Andrew (Autumn's dad) for joining us on our trip to Maiden Castle Farm this week! We are always looking for support on off-site visits and if this is something you are interested in then please let us know and we will keep this in mind for future trips.
Thank you so much for another fabulous week and as usual, feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
Miss Godden, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Smith and Mr Long.