Hello Reception Families!
What a wonderful first week back we have had!
This week we drove straight into this half term topic of Tradition Tales, starting with the story The Gingerbread Man. We began by becoming familiar with this Traditional Tale; drawing our own story maps. On Monday, children focused on designing their own gingerbread man. All children successfully designed and shared their ideas explaining the process, ingredients and tools they planned to use. Many children went on to practise their process using playdough.
On Wednesday the children embraced becoming Bakers! With many exploring and roleplaying in our classroom Bakery. Alongside this we spent the afternoon making, rolling and cutting our own gingerbread ready to be baked!
Thankfully none of our Gingerbread men ran away! And children had a blast decorating on Thursday! We spent some time studying our designs and then using a range of toppings to recreate their visions!
And of course we ate them!
On Friday, the children had a special visitor from HSBC! We had lots of fun learning about money and the importance of spending wisely. We are so proud of how Reception embraced this workshop, offering their own ideas and suggesting explanations for why things might happen from the story "Ed and Bunny, Save Some Monday!".
Alongside our own class topic of Traditional Tales, Reception are also getting stuck in with the Whole School English unit based around the Northern Lights. As a school we have been studying the book The Lights that Danced in the Night.
The children have had lots of fun exploring this book and investigating the North, Northern Lights, natural resources and the use of cold colours in illustrations.
What a busy first week back!
Entering week 2, I just wanted to pass on some reminders of what is to come.
This week we are participating in the whole school science Space Week. All children will becoming scientists as we tackle a whole school science investigation, as well as have the opportunity to explore a pop up planetarium in the school hall.
I would also like to welcome all families and friends to Reception's first Game Afternoon on Wednesday 15th of January. We hope that this will be an opportunity for children to share their favourite puzzles and board games with families as well as promote a range of skills such as sharing, turn taking, problem solving and communication. These sessions will be held in the Reception classroom from 3 - 3.30pm. I look forward to seeing many of you there.
I would also like to mention Reading Diaries and home reading books. Children are grouped in school based on the phonics set that best meets where they are in their learning journey. We appreciate that not all children are taking reading books home at this time, but if you would like an additional book then please feel free to come and take a book from the POW School Library. If you child has returned one of the smaller single word reading books and has not received another then please leave a message in their reading diary and I will pop the next book in their bag on a Friday.
And finally just a reminder, please can we encourage children to leave all toys at home. We have seen an increase of toys being brought in since the beginning of term as it has been challenging for children and staff as these can often be misplaced. We really appreciate your support with this as we progress further in to the year and prepare children to later school life.
Thank you so much for another fabulous week and as usual, feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
Miss Godden, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Smith and Mr Long.